As of January 1 2012, new legislation was introduced that has a major impact within the building industry that now affects the home owner and this practice – the building designer.  As the client (home owner) you have a duty to honour this new legislation.  A fact sheet will be forwarded to you from this office, however you can view the roll you must play (and that of the designer) by looking online at – Codes of Practice –

The regulations may be viewed by accessing Queensland Work Health and Safety Act 2011 which also contains the regulations (

The requirement is for all work including renovations and new buildings, and will form an important part of our final documentation that is required to be forwarded onto the building contractor or if you are the principal contractor then to all the contractors engaged by you, the owner prior to them carrying out works on the designated project.

Depending on the complexity of the project – which we will access at the preliminary design stage whether our office will carryout our own assessment or engage a specialist to carryout the assessment.

The (pcbu) person conducting the business undertaking to carryout  the design of the renovations, extensions, demolition or new dwelling should be made aware that the report applies not only to the construction stage but also the operation of the building as a workplace.  The report should be presented to the contractors carrying out building work, maintenance or demolition and retained and displayed or kept in a prominent location during the operation of the building.​